This is the new incarnation of the goatee in Christian pop culture. The goatee is quickly becoming the new mullet and this is the latest version of creative facial hair that is widely embraced among youth pastors, worship leaders and people 'starting a ministry.' (The ministry can take on various forms, per its definition.)

Both the goatee and the soul patch are known in common vernacular as a "prison pussy." Most Christian culture members are unaware of this term.
As a man with a goatee and one who spend most of his time away from Christians, I have never heard "pussy prison". Think you missed it with this one.
I shaved mine off and then everyone begged me to grow it back. And bald men look strange with full beards.
Actually, what most people call a "goatee" may be more correctly called a "Van Dyck" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goatee). Also, I highly doubt that as I pass people on the street they snicker, "Did you see muff on that guy's face? I can't believe anyone still has a prison pussy!" Fortunately, I have never been to prison, and am unaware of this term. Frankly I'm skeptical of it's common, vernacular usage. But who am I to question this scientific study?
So, is shaving your head, considering I'm caucasian, "something Christian's do?" First time reading your blog, although I may not agree with it, I find it humorous reading.
Regarding the astrisked foot note - I've worked in a prison for just over 4 years and have never heard goatys or sould patches referred to as "prison pussy."
I didn't think it was a term used by the prison populous, just us here on the outside.
What's all this about cats and goats in jail? I'm outraged. We need to shave the animals and put PETA in prison.
I just learned the other day that the proper term for the soul patch is actually "the imperial". It was considered extremely high class to wear one in the early-mid 1900's. Too bad now they're just worn by the "sensative" douche bag types who play too much acoustic guitar.
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