Men in Christian culture see the swimsuit issue as their kryptonite. Some of them (like my dad) give Sports Illustrated strict instructions not to send it with their subscription. The rest of them (like the guys who were in Campus Crusade with me) dispose of it upon finding it in their mailbox.*
The week the swimsuit issue comes out is a heavy time for Every Man's Battle groups. Same goes double for the Victoria's Secret catalog.**
*Or at least they say they do.
**Or so I've been told.
This post originally appeared at Beliefnet. The post and its original comment thread can be seen here.
I was an InterVarsity sort, but this one really brought it back. Some IV guys moved into an apartment I had sublet for a summer, and I sure heard about it when my Victoria's Secret catalog was mistakenly sent to that address (hey, a girl's gotta get her undies somewhere).
I'd rather restrict pictures of kids in children's wetsuit than swimsuit magazines. By the way, that picture is hilarious.
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