Christian summer camp is strenuously anti-flesh. They want as little as possible on display. Since they are basically running an evangelical kennel for high school horndogs, they must keep lusting at bay not only to please Jesus but to maintain some semblance of public order.
Every Christian camp enrollment form states "one-piece only for girls," usually in those exact words. Sometimes they even add "two-piece swimsuits" to the What Not To Bring List just for good measure. All bits must be covered by law but Christian camp adds an extra step and makes sure all female stomachs and backs are covered as well...covered by thin...wet...spandex, that is. The logic follows that this extra fabric cuts down on lusting and pleases God or something.
The one-piece swimsuit rule implies that boobage is better wrangled by a one-piece than a two-piece, but this is categorically false. Whilst laying out on one's fabric-covered back, side cleavage oozes into armpits more copiously in a one-piece than in a bikini. Christian camp does its darndest to keep lusting at bay, but gravity always wins.

lovely blog you have! :)
I'm just a woman? So I'm probably not seeing this correctly? But those women are wearing one-piece suits? And they're showing a lot of boobage? Ya know?
What's even more fun, is that at the camp I went to, not only were one-piece suits required... but there was a high fence around the pool, and separate swim times for boys and girls...
So, basically, even though no male would EVER see you at the pool, you still had to wear a one-piece...
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